Intersectionality originated as a tool for critical legal analysis. It focused on the multiplicity of interactions among the grounds of social exclusion, such as gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin, (dis)ability and socioeconomic status among others, shedding light on the complexity of the mechanisms of power and privilege in social relations. In the last twenty-five years, intersectionality gained increasing popularity in the Anglophone academia, but had uneven diffusion in the different socio-political contexts. This article addresses its conceptual origins, providing a genealogy that connects intersectionality with counterhegemonic feminist theories. Intersectionality is then examined in connection with Critical Legal Studies within the American socio-legal context of the 70s where it has originally been developed as a category of legal analysis. It is argued that transposing a concept from another legal system into the European legal framework poses a number of challenges. This article offers an overview of recent developments of European Union law as an example of the advancements and challenges that the implementation of intersectionality in European democracy might suppose. It finally discusses the utility of intersectionality for legal scholarship in the context of democratic societies that aim at removing the formal and substantive obstacles towards the equality of their members.