This paper analyzes two recent securities transaction tax (STT) implementations in France and Italy in order to identify the effects of STT on market quality. The effects are observed on panel data in four periods utilizing several trading activity and market quality measures. Difference-in-Differences are estimated using several control groups including German and Spanish equities. The results suggest significant decrease in trading activity and liquidity in French taxed stocks following the STT levy. The effect of STT on volatility is statistically insignificant across different control groups and estimation periods. The need to account for seasonal effects is also demonstrated. In Italian case, the results are inconclusive due to possible contamination by political events, but the evidence points to decrease in trading activity following the reform. The evidence regarding volatility and liquidity in Italian case is mixed.
Financial Transaction Tax, Market Quality, Volatility, Liquidity, Securities Transaction Tax
JEL Classification: G18, G12, G14
Authors:FILIP ŠRAMKO, University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic, Email:
Citation:FILIP ŠRAMKO (2015). The impact of Securities Transaction Tax on market quality: Evidence from France and Italy. International Journal of Economic Sciences, Vol. IV(3), pp. 52-93., 10.20472/ES.2015.4.3.004 52 Copyright © 2016, FILIP ŠRAMKO,
IntroductionThe idea of Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) has recently gained a renewed support from renowned economists 1 and wide public 2 . Most prominently 11 EU states are in talks to introduce FTT as soon as 2017 (Reuters, 2015). Besides revenue-raising FTTs are meant to discourage financial transactions that do not enhance efficiency of financial market and as a consequence to curb excess volatility observed in financial markets 3 . Hence FTTs should function as Pigouvian taxes.The objective of this paper is to extend previous empirical evidence and verify the effects of FTT imposed in securities market, or Securities Transaction Tax (STT) 4 , on market quality measures, most notably volatility, in France and Italy. Especially Italian case has garnered limited attention.To analyze the effects Difference-in-Differences (DiD) as well as triple DiD are estimated using individual stock panel data. The estimations are performed using several control groups including German and Spanish stocks observing STT's effects on volume, several measures of liquidity and volatility. Current paper adds to the literature by analyzing impacts of STT on liquidity and volatility using several measures of each market quality measure for both France and Italy. Main contribution of this paper is detailed analysis of Italian reform extending the evidence provided by Coelho (2014).The results of this paper confirm previous evidence evaluating French and Italian policy changes. It is shown that trading activity significantly decreases in France and suggestive evidence is provided showing an increase i...