JOROnEn, M. (2016): 'Politics of being-related: on ontotopologies and "coming events"', Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 98 (2): 97-107.ABSRACT. This article grows from a discontent with the equation of topology to relational thinking in the recent geographical literature operating under the rubric of post-mathematical topology. In order to find a more subtle way for comprehending topology, the article shows that there exists an entirely different tradition of topological thought, which is explicitly connected to the problematic around the notion of ontology. An alternative approach is suggested, where not only the relational constitution of topology is properly taken into account, but where an in-depth reading of the ontological aspect is offered. Instead of fabricating another "ontology of topology", the article argues that it is the ontology itself, which takes place topologically, that is, it is place-bound. By relying on Heidegger's insight about the bond between place (topos) and being (ontology), the article proposes an approach that is concentrated on the manifold modes through which topological relations are ontologically revealed, ordered, and defined. It acknowledges three topological tensions -thing-gathering, gathering-revealing, and concealing-revealing -in order to highlight the structure of the place in which the question of ontology, and ontological politics are entwined.