Ttpping, Ktch.ird M. 1988 The recognition ot glacidl retreat from palynologicdl data: a review of recent work in the British Isles lournd ot Qo,itwmry Scic~c-e, Vol. 3, pp 171 182. ISSN (1267-81 79 R c~c t v r~l l k c c m b c r l Y 8 7 R t v w c i 8 April 1Y88ABSTRACT: Recent publications have presented palynological data from the early postglacial period in the British Isles, which have been interpreted as reflecting sequential glacial retreat following the Loch Lomond Stadial. The methodologies and results o i these studies were examined and were concluded to be insufficient to demonstrate g l x i a l retreat. A more cdutious methodology was adopted and tested at several pollen sites in the Awe valley, Scotland. The results diftered from previous studies in not demonstrating the sequence of pdlynological changes predicted from the hypothesis. These results need to be replicated at other localities, however, before the deglacial chronology hypothesis can be dismissed. Proposals to test the hypothesis further are suggested.
Journal of Quaternary ScienceKEY W ( 1 R DS Pa I y n o I og y , e'i r I y post g I ac I a I, deg I ac i at i on , Western Scot I and