“…The control medicine shows different peaks at 2θ values of ∼9.38°, ∼12.57°, ∼16.51°, ∼18.95−20°, 21.22°, and ∼28.66°, corresponding to the reflection pattern of folic acid and ascorbic acid. 32,33 After pyrolysis, the expired medicine is converted into m-GNS with doped iron nanoparticles, which follows the pattern of an 39,40 The high-resolution spectrum of Fe 2p (Figure 2e) shows two peaks at ∼709.58 and ∼722.82 eV due to the presence of Fe 2p 3/2 and Fe 2p 1/2 , respectively, supporting the presence of Fe 3 O 4 -type doping in m-GNS. 41 The surface morphological analysis of m-GNS was performed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), as shown in Figure 2.…”