Each phase relies on one another to enable the wound to completely seal giving no lasting evidence of tissue damage and understanding what each state involves is crucial in developing a comprehensive healing plan. 6 It is a stepwise occurrence requiring a biochemical process leading to the repair and regeneration of injured cells. Currently, numerous drugs are available for healing wounds such as antibiotic ointment, antiseptics, corticosteroids, and antioxidants but with many adverse effects which include; kidney failure, Steven Johnson's syndrome, dermatitis, and GIT symptoms. 7 Additionally, plant or plant parts contain phytoconstituents which confer the plants with a wide range of activities including antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities that are the main ingredients in the management and healing of wounds with little or no adverse effect. 8 Barteria nigritiana (Passifloraceae) is a popular softwood sparsely distributed in Eastern Nigeria and respectively called Ukwuifia, Oko and Idon zakara by the Igbos, Yorubas and Hausas in Nigeria. 9 The scanty volume of information available on this plant has recently elicited interest in them. The plant is useful in ethnomedicine due to its antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. 10 It possesses wounding healing property in folk medicine. 11,12 Traditionally, the crushed leaves are made in paste form and applied to fresh wounds to initiate their healing activity. In some parts of Southeastern Nigeria, the liquid is usually squeezed out from the fresh leaves and applied to fresh wounds for faster healing. These practices have not been validated scientifically. An extensive phytochemical analysis identified the presence of steroids, tannins, alkaloids, oxalate, flavonoids, cyanogenic glycosides, phenol and lipids in abundance with traces of saponins, phlobatanins and terpenoids. 10