Summary.-The Callitrichaceae is a widespread. monotypic (Callitriche) family, consisting of approximately 50 terrestrial, amphibious, and obligately submersed species. Several pollination syndromes have been suggested to occur within the genus, including anemophily, epihydrophily (pollen transfer at the water surlace), and hypohydrophily (entirely submersed pollination). However, cross-pollination has only recently been unequivocally documented in the family. Terrestrial species appear to be geitonogamous, and produce distinctly tricolpate pollen, with a well-defined, intectate exine. In the various amphibious species, fertilization can occur in two different ways : ,ypical geitonogamy•, as in terrestrial species, or by "internal geitonogamy•, whereby pollen grains precociously germinate within indehiscent anthers and pollen tubes subsequently grow through nodal and pistillate tissues directly to the ovules. Anemophily is also likely in these amphibious species. Pollen grains have weakly differentiated apertures, but well-developed, intectate exines. Molecular data confirm that the obligately submersed C. hermaphroditica is hypohydrophilous. The actual mechanism of pollen transfer has not yet been observed, but several features suggest that pollen grains are effectively dispersed by the water. Pollen of C. hermaphroditica is exineless in perennial forms of the species, and has only a rudimentary exine in annual forms. Callitriche represents the only infrageneric system in which both aerial and underwater pollination co-occur, and provides an unprecedented opportunity to investigate the evolution of hypohydrophily from aerial systems.Resume.-La familia des Callitrichaceae est una familia monotypique (Gallitriche). cosmopolite, comprenant environ 50 especes terrestres. amphibies ou totalement submergees. Plusieurs syndromes de pollinisation ont ete evoques dans le genre : l'anemophilie, l'epihydrophilie (transport du pollen ~ Ia surlace de l'eau) et l'hypohydrophilie (pollinisation entierement dans l'eau). Cependant, c·est seulement recemment que l'allogamie a ete mise en evidence. Les especes terrestres semblent Atre geinotogames et possadent un pollen distinctement tricolpe, avec una exine intectee. bien definie. Dans differentes especes amphibies, Ia pollinisation paul se realiser de deux manieres : ©Societe botanique de France 1994. ISSN 1253 ACTA BOTANICA GALUCA soil par "geinotogamie typique·. comma dans les especes terrestres, so~ par "geinotogamie interne·, processus salon lequel las grains de pollen garment precocement A l'interieur des antheres indehiscentes et las tubes polliniques atteignent directement las ovules A travers las tissus du gynecee. L'anemophilie est egalement remarquable chez certaines especes amphibies. Las donnees moteculaires confirment que l'espece totalement submergee, C. hermaphroditica, est hypohydrophile. Le ver~able mecanisme du transport de pollen n'a pas encore ate observe, mais plusieurs fa~s suggerent qu'il est effectivement disperse par l'eau. Le pollen de C. hermaphroditic...