Pollination is one of the most fascinating aspects of insect-plant interactions. Pollen is the male reproductive element of flowering plants, gathered by foraging Honeybees from the male parts of flowering plants called the anther. Guizotia abyssinica (L.f) is an important oilseed crop cultivated in Ethiopia and India, which belongs to the family Asteraceae. Although self-incompatibility is found in Guizotia abyssinica, a higher seed set is experienced in places with an active Honeybees population. Agricultural practices usually focus on inputs such as fertilizer application to improve seed yield of Guizotia abyssinica. However, these practices have little effect on yield if the availability of insect pollination is too low. To fill this gap, an experiment was carried out at Dandi district, West Shao zone, Oromia, Ethiopia to see the effect of Honeybees pollination management as an agronomic input. Pollination management of Honeybees was tested under feeding and non-feeding of colonies management. Pollen was trapped with and without sugar syrup feeding. The results discovered that Honeybees fed sugar syrup collected much more pollen than colonies not fed sugar syrup. The proportion of Guizotia abyssinica pollen collected through sugar syrup feeding of the colony was greater (62.2%), compared to the proportion of Guizotia abyssinica pollen trapped without sugar syrup feeding (37.8%). This indicates that sugar syrup feeding enhances the collection of pollen and probably enhances the pollination efficiency of Honeybees since they visit frequently to fulfill their daily protein requirement of pollen. Therefore, Honeybees pollination services should be included as one of the agronomic inputs with sugar syrup feeding as pollination management that might increase the yield of Guizotia abyssinica since it increases visiting frequency.