This is the accepted version of the paper.This version of the publication may differ from the final published version. Abstract Topology control is a technique used in wireless sensor networks to maximize energy efficiency and network lifetime. In previous literature, many tree based techniques have been proposed to save energy and increase the network lifetime. In tree based algorithms, the most promising solution is the formation of a network backbone, which serves on behalf of rest of the nodes in the network and therefore leading towards Connected Dominating Set (CDS) formulation. However, one imminent problem with all tree based solution is a compromise on network reliability. Therefore, to address reliability issues in tree based solutions, in this paper, we propose Poly3 which maintains cliques of size three in order to achieve network reliability on top of the CDS algorithm. This makes the network more robust to link removal. Our empirical and mathematical analysis reveals that Poly3 provides better reliability than algorithms of the same kind.
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