Polymer sustainability is synonymous
with “bioderived
and the zeitgeist of “using renewable feedstocks”. However,
this sentiment does not adequately encompass the requirements of sustainability
in polymers. In addition to recycling considerations and mechanical
performance, following green chemistry principles also needs to be
maximized to improve the sustainability of polymer synthesis. The
synthetic cost (
, maximizing atom economy, reducing
chemical hazards, and lowering energy requirements) of producing polymers
should be viewed as equally important to the monomer source (biomass
vs petrol platform chemicals). Therefore, combining the use of renewable
feedstocks with efficient syntheses and green chemistry principles
is imperative to delivering truly sustainable polymers. The high efficiency,
atom economy, and single reaction trajectories that define click chemistry
reactions position them as ideal chemical approaches to synthesize
polymers in a sustainable manner while simultaneously expanding the
structural scope of accessible polymers from sustainably sourced chemicals.
Click step-growth polymerization using the thiol–yne Michael
addition, a reaction first reported over a century ago, has emerged
as an extremely mild and atom-efficient pathway to yield high-performance
polymers with controllable
along the polymer backbone. Building on studies of aromatic thiol–yne
polymers, around 10 years ago our group began investigating the thiol–yne
reaction for the stereocontrolled synthesis of alkene-containing aliphatic
polyesters. Our early studies established a convenient path to high-molecular-weight
(>100 kDa)
rich or
-rich step-growth
polymers by judiciously changing the catalyst and/or reaction solvent.
This method has since been adapted to synthesize fast-degrading polyesters,
high-performance polyamides, and resilient hydrogel biomaterials.
Across several systems, we have observed dramatic differences in material
properties among polymers with different alkene stereochemistry.
We have also explored the analogous thiol–ene Michael reaction
to create high-performance poly(ester-urethanes) with precise
stereochemistry. In contrast to the
stereoselective thiol–yne polymerization, here the use of monomers
with predefined
isomerism (arising from either alkenes or the planar rigidity of ring
units) affords polymers with total control over stereochemistry. This
advancement has enabled the synthesis of tough, degradable materials
that are derived from sustainable monomer feedstocks. Employing isomers
of sugar-derived isohexides, bicyclic rigid-rings possessing geometric
isomerism, led to degradable polymers with fundamentally opposing
mechanical behavior (
, plastic vs ...