Ultra-small feature size (~8 nm domain width) nanopatterns have been achieved using a symmetric polystyrene-b-polyethylene oxide (PS-b-PEO) block copolymer (BCP) of low molecular weight (PS and PEO blocks of 5.5 and 5.3 kg mol -1 respectively). The work represents the smallest feature size attained and the first observation of a well-controlled film of a perpendicularly oriented lamellar pattern in thin film form for this system. The polymer synthesized and described herein has a value χN (= 7.7), below the expected BCP phase segregation limit of 10.5. These patterns were achieved by amplification of the effective interaction parameter (χ eff ) of the BCP system by the addition of lithium chloride (LiCl) salt. A model where the Li + ions strongly coordinate with the PEO block without affecting the PS chain is proposed to explain the ordered self-assembly. The morphological and structural evolution for these PS-b-PEO/LiCl thin films was investigated by variation of the experimental parameters such as temperature, annealing time, salt concentrations, solution aging time, annealing solvent etc. All the experimental parameters have significant effects on the morphology, domain spacing, defectivity or surface roughness of these symmetric BCP thin films as evident from different microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. Possible hard mask applications in the area of lithography are demonstrated. Substrates were cleaned by ultrasonication in acetone (30 min) and toluene (30 min) and dried under nitrogen. A 1 wt% PS-b-PEO solution in toluene (5 gm) was stirred for 12 h at room temperature. LiCl was dissolved in ethanol and in THF separately to make 2.5 mg/mL solution. Then the necessary amount of LiCl/ethanol or LiCl/THF solution (varying from 0.025 ml to 2 ml) was added to the prepared PS-b-PEO/toluene solution with a micropipette. Scheme 2 (a) SEC chromatograph of the final diblock PS-b-PEO (b) 1 H-NMR spectra of sample PS-b-PEO indicating the chemical shifts of the four protons for PEO at ~4-4.5 ppm (green) and of the five aromatic protons for PS at ~6.8-7.5 ppm (red). (a) (b) Fig. 1 (a, c) Tapping mode AFM images and (b, d) SEM images of the surface morphology of the PS-b-PEO thin film following solvent annealing in toluene at 60 o C for 30 min with the addition of 0.05 ml of (a, b) LiCl-ethanol and (c, d) LiCl-THF respectively.Fig 4 AFM images of the film annealed in toluene for 30 min at a temperature (a) 40 o C (b) 50 o C. (c, e, g) AFM and (d, f, h) SEM images of the film annealed in toluene at a temperature 60 o C for 15 min, 45 min and 1h respectively.Fig 5 Surface morphology and topography of the films with LiCl-THF solution stirred for 30 min for the salt concentration of (a) 1 ml., (b, c) 1.25 ml., and (d) 1.5 ml. The variation in morphology of the films with 1 ml. of LiCl-THF solution for the stirring time of (e) 45 min, (f) 1h, (g, inset) 2h and (h) 3h.