Polymerisations of N-vinylcarbazole have beeii carried out i n bulk and in suspension, t u provide a machinable material, a moulding powder and a novel foamed polymer. The dielectric properties of the polymer were found to be of the same order a s those of polystyrene, having a dielectric constant of 3.00 and a power factor of about 0.0010 over a wide frequency range but were more stable to changes of frequency and temperature; mechanically it is marginally inferior, but has a superior thermal stability.
Experimental ApparatusB d k polyrncrisation equipment.-Small-scale bulk polymerisations (500 g.) were carried out in a ISZ-litre stainless-steel Baskerville autoclave heated by an external electric element.Part I : ,/. appl. Cliew., 1959, 9, 241