SynopsisExtinction phenomena obaerved between crosed polaroids in microscope were clsssified into three group: (1) Poly(2. m e t h y l -1 , Cphenylene onde)/poiystyrene composite with crosslinked polystyrene microepheres. Negative dark crosses were observed in the shells of the spheres, the c o r n of the spheres were completely extinct. The crdisappeared at 17OoC, which is 20°C above 7 ' ' of the matrix polymer. (2) Polycarbonate composite with glaas beads. The dark crwere positive and outside the glass beads. The crdisappeared at 130°C, which is 20°C below T ' of the matrix polymer. (3) In s& polymerized composites with crwlinked polystyrene rmcroepheres. The dark cro8~e8 were the same size of the spheres. They were negative in poly(methy1 methacrylate) and poly(viny1 acetate) and positive in polystyrene. The disappearing temperatures of the c r o~~e~ were 150, 110, and 285°C. respectively. The first two group of phenomena are explained aa the photoelastic effects caused by the thermally induced stress. The last group is due to the inhomogeneous swelling or contracting of polystyrene networks in the matrices.