We have evaluated the effect of NaCl concentration on the mode of binding of poly-L-lysine to DNA and the resulting structural and functional features of the condensed DNA particles using DNA precipitation, DNase I resistance, electron microscopy, and receptor-mediated gene transfer assays. At a high concentration of NaCl and in the presence of excess DNA, poly-L-lysine interacted with DNA cooperatively, fully condensing some of the DNA and leaving the rest of the DNA unbound. At low NaCl concentrations, poly-L-lysine molecules interacted with DNA in a noncooperative fashion, i.e. they bind randomly to the whole population of DNA molecules. Cooperative binding of poly-L-lysine to DNA occurred over a narrow range of NaCl concentrations, and the specific salt concentration depended on the length of the poly-L-lysine. The ability of condensed DNA to withstand digestion by DNase I was correlated with the structural features of the condensed DNA as determined by electron microscopy. Using our condensation procedure, cooperative binding of poly-L-lysine to DNA is a necessary prerequisite for the preparation of condensed DNA having a spherical shape and a diameter of 15-30 nm. Condensed DNA, containing galactosylated poly-Llysine, was evaluated further for the extent and specificity of receptor-mediated gene transfer into HuH-7 human hepatoma cells via the asialoglycoprotein receptor. Efficient receptor-mediated transfection occurred only when condensed DNA complexes had a spherical shape with a diameter of 15-30 nm; asialofetuin, a natural ligand for the asialoglycoprotein receptor, inhibited this process by up to 90%. Our results support the importance of appropriate DNA condensation for the uptake and ultimate expression of DNA in hepatic cells.The concept of receptor-mediated gene transfer originated from the work of Cheng et al. (1), who covalently attached a ligand to DNA. This idea was modified and used more widely for gene delivery by Wu and Wu (2, 3). They introduced poly-L-lysine into the gene transfer system to act as a "bridge" between the DNA and the ligand. After intravenous injection of ligand⅐poly-L-lysine⅐DNA complexes targeting the asialoglycoprotein receptor, the transgene was delivered specifically to the liver, in which it expressed transiently. Because receptor-mediated endocytosis is a general cellular mechanism, it can be applied to other specifically localized receptors (4). Since then, several groups have reported similar receptor-mediated gene delivery systems using ligand⅐poly-L-lysine⅐DNA complexes to introduce various genes to specific tissues by using different targeting ligands (5-15).It was proposed that poly-L-lysine has the dual function of condensing DNA after electrostatic binding and providing the attachment site for the liver-targeting ligand (16). Condensation of the DNA into small particles is a crucial step for successful gene transfer. The process of DNA condensation has been examined widely (17-28). For example, if electrostatic interactions between poly-L-lysine and the DNA ...