Abstract-The 3Ј poly(A) tail is important in messenger RNA stability and translational efficiency. In somatic tissues, 3Ј polyadenylation of mRNAs has been thought to largely be a constitutively active process. We have reported that laminar shear stress causes a brief increase in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) transcription, followed by a prolonged increase in eNOS mRNA stability. We sought to determine whether shear stress and other stimuli affected eNOS 3Ј polyadenylation in endothelial cells. Under basal (static) conditions, eNOS mRNA possessed short 3Ј poly(A) tails of Ͻ25 nt. In contrast, laminar shear stress increased expression of eNOS transcripts with long poly(A) tails. ENOS transcripts with longer poly(A) tails had prolonged half-lives (6 hours in static cells versus 18 hours in sheared cells). Polysome analysis revealed that eNOS mRNA from sheared cells was shifted into more translationally active polysome fractions compared with eNOS mRNA from static cells. Shear-induced lengthening of the eNOS 3Ј poly(A) tail was the result of increased nuclear polyadenylation. Furthermore, hydrogen peroxide and HMG Co-A reductase inhibitors, other stimuli known to modulate eNOS expression posttranscriptionally, also induced eNOS 3Ј poly(A) tail lengthening. These results support the concept that shear stress modulates eNOS mRNA stability and translation via increased 3Ј polyadenylation. We suggest that mRNA 3Ј polyadenylation is a posttranscriptional mechanism used by endothelial cells to regulate gene expression. Key Words: endothelial nitric oxide synthase Ⅲ mRNA stability Ⅲ polyadenylation Ⅲ posttranscriptional regulation Ⅲ shear stress L aminar shear stress is a potent stimulus for the production of vascular nitric oxide (NO • ) because of its ability to increase both the activity and expression of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). 1-3 Endothelium-derived NO• is crucial for maintenance of vascular homeostasis through its vasodilator activity; 4 its ability to inhibit smooth muscle growth, 5 platelet aggregation, 6 and leukocyte adhesion, 7 and its role in inhibiting lipid oxidation and regulating apoptosis in the vessel wall. 8 Given these properties of NO• , the shear stress-induced increase in eNOS expression may be important in preventing atherosclerosis. Indeed, areas of the vasculature exposed to high shear stress appear to be protected from the development of atherosclerosis, and areas exposed to low shear stress are prone to atherosclerotic lesion formation. 9 Previously we have demonstrated that shear stress leads to increased eNOS mRNA expression via 2 separate mechanisms: a transient increase in eNOS transcription, and stabilization of eNOS mRNA. 10 Posttranscriptional regulation of eNOS expression via modulation of eNOS mRNA stability is now recognized as an important response of endothelial cells to numerous biophysical and biochemical stimuli. 11-17 Although we have recently described a mechanism for the posttranscriptional regulation of eNOS expression during cell growth, 18 ...