Abstract. We have investigated the consequences of having multiple fusion complexes on exocytotic granules, and have identified a new principle for interpreting the calcium dependence of calcium-triggered exocytosis. Strikingly different physiological responses to calcium are expected when active fusion complexes are distributed between granules in a deterministic or probabilistic manner. We have modeled these differences, and compared them with the calcium dependence of sea urchin egg cortical granule exocytosis. From the calcium dependence of cortical granule exocytosis, and from the exposure time and concentration dependence of N-ethylmaleimide inhibition, we determined that cortical granules do have spare active fusion complexes that are randomly distributed as a Poisson process among the population of granules. At high calcium concentrations, docking sites have on average nine active fusion complexes.XOCYTOSlS involves many steps, including the biosynthesis of vesicles and their contents, vesicle transport to the plasma membrane, docking, the merging of membranes, and the release of vesicle contents. After exocytosis, there is often calcium-dependent granule mobilization (39) and endocytic membrane retrieval (48, 49). In sea urchin eggs, the cellular machinery that mediates membrane merger in calcium-triggered exocytosis, the fusion complex, resides on exocytotic granules (53) and can undergo conformational changes from inactive to active states (55). Transition between these two states is thought to be regulated by the binding of calcium to a "calcium sensor" (13, 38), but the identity and mechanism of the calcium sensor and the fusion complex is unknown. While binding of calcium to the sensor may be reversible, upon activation, a fusion complex can irreversibly commit to fuse (55). The sea urchin is a good preparation to study the calcium dependence of exocytosis because the fusion of predocked granules with the plasma membrane can be studied, in vitro, in the absence of reserve granule mobilization to docking sites, or in the absence of subsequent endocytotic activity.The simplicity of cortical granule exocytosis in vitro allows the investigation of a feature common to almost every fusing system (28): submaximal response to calcium. We have recently concluded that sea urchin cortical granules are heterogeneous in their response to calcium