Chromatin folding below the scale of topologically associating domains (TADs) remains largely unexplored in mammals. Here, we used a high-resolution 3C-based method, Micro-C, to probe links between 3D-genome organization and transcriptional regulation in mouse stem cells.
20Combinatorial binding of transcription factors, cofactors, and chromatin modifiers spatially segregate TAD regions into "microTADs" with distinct regulatory features. Enhancer-promoter and promoter-promoter interactions extending from the edge of these domains predominantly link co-regulated loci, often independently of CTCF/Cohesin. Acute inhibition of transcription disrupts the gene-related folding features without altering higher-order chromatin structures.
25Intriguingly, we detect "two-start" zig-zag 30-nanometer chromatin fibers. Our work uncovers the finer-scale genome organization that establishes novel functional links between chromatin folding and gene regulation.
30ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY Transcriptional regulatory elements shape 3D genome architecture of microTADs.
35Chromatin packages the eukaryotic genome via a hierarchical series of folding steps ranging from nucleosomes to chromosome territories (1). Structural analysis of chromosome folding has been revolutionized by the Chromosome Conformation Capture (3C) family of techniques, which uses proximity ligation of cross-linked genomic loci in vivo to estimate contact frequencies (2). Interphase chromosome structures such as compartments (3), topologically-40 associating domains (TADs) (4, 5), and CTCF/cohesin chromatin loops (6) have been characterized using 3C-based methods. Chromosome compartments correspond to large-scale active and inactive chromatin segments and appear as a plaid-like pattern in Hi-C contact maps at the megabase scale (3). At the intermediate scale of tens to hundreds of kilobases, topologically associating domains (TADs) spatially organize the mammalian genome into 45 continuous self-interacting domains. TADs are defined as local domains in which genomic loci contact each other more frequently within the domain than with loci outside. TADs appear as square boxes along the diagonal of 3D contact maps (4, 5). Mounting evidence suggests that CTCF and cohesin likely mediate TAD formation via a loop extrusion mechanism (7, 8) wherein the cohesin ring complex entraps chromatin loci and extrudes chromatin until blocked by CTCF 50 or other proteins. Stabilization of cohesin at CTCF sites result in sharp corner peaks in contact maps and are also referred to as CTCF/cohesin loops or loop domains. Various studies have