The paper reports the levels of thermal processing contaminants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol (3-MCPD) and acrylamide (AA) in 28 dried (raisins, dates, apricots, cranberries and plums-prunes) and 15 smoked (pears, apples and plums) fruit samples from Polish retail market. Analytes were determined using GC-SIM-MS, after being subjected to modified QuEChERS method. The results showed that almost all PAHs were detected in smoked fruit samples, except of dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, which was identified only in 4 from 15 samples. In case of dried fruits they were quantified in all 28 samples. The highest 3-MCPD content in group of smoked fruits was noted in plums (70.9 µg kg −1), while in dried fruits for raisins (33.0 µg kg −1). The lowest amount, with the value of 9.3 µg kg −1 was identified in dried raisins and cranberry. In the group of smoked fruits, the lowest AA amount was found in apple sample (19.6 µg kg −1) and the highest in sample of plums (730 µg kg −1) followed by pears sample (696 µg kg −1). The AA concentration in dried fruits ranged from < LOQ for dates sample, raisins, and cranberry samples to 141 µg kg −1 for plums sample in our best knowledge, the present paper is the first study concerning the level of the contamination by these heat-induced compounds in such a diversity of foodstuffs such as dried and smoked fruits.