“…For 2 all phenyl atoms other than the ipso-carbons have been omitted for clairty. Selected interatomic distances (Å): for 2, Ir(8)᎐P(1) 2.2916(13), Ir(8)᎐P(2) 2.3895(12), Ir(8)᎐S(7) 2.3902(14), Ir(8) ؒ ؒ ؒ S(9,10) 2.6367(14), Ir(8)᎐B(2) 2.260(5), Ir(8)᎐B(3) 2.282(5), Ir(8)᎐B(9) 2.248(6), S(9,10)᎐B(9) 2.005(7), S(9,10)᎐B(10) 1.997(6), S(7)᎐B(2) 2.064(6), S(7)᎐B(6) 1.981(6), S(7)᎐B(11) 1.912(6), B(9)᎐B(10) 1.968(9) and B(10)᎐B(11) 1.912(9): for 3, Rh(8) ؒ ؒ ؒ C(1) 2.736(2), Rh(8)᎐C(2) 2.186(2), Rh(8)᎐C(3) 2.142(2), Rh(8)᎐C(4) 2.166(2), Rh(8)᎐C(5) 2.260(2), Rh(8)᎐B(3) 2.298(3), Rh(8)᎐B(4) 2.337(2), Rh(8)᎐S(7) 2.4107(6), Rh(8)᎐B(9) 2.254(3), Rh(8) ؒ ؒ ؒ S(9,10) 2.4852(6), B(9)᎐S(9,10) 1.999(3), B(10)᎐S(9,10) 2.002(3), B(9)᎐B(10) 1.978(5) and B(10)᎐B(11) 1.940(4). For each of 2 and 3 there is little difference among the various metal-to-boron distances, emphasising the ambiguities of bonding interpretation and, in particular, the limitations of bonding models that involve or otherwise imply simplistic square-planar or octahedral models for transition-element centres…”