Using a combination of the replica-exchange Monte Carlo algorithm and the multicanonical method, we investigate the influence of bending stiffness on the conformational phases of a bead-stick homopolymer model and present the pseudo-phase diagram for the complete range of semi-flexible polymers, from flexible to stiff. Although a simple model, we observe a rich variety of conformational phases, reminiscent of conformations observed for synthetic polymers or biopolymers. Changing the internal bending stiffness, the model exhibits different pseudo phases like bent, hairpin or toroidal. In particular, we find thermodynamically stable knots and transitions into these knotted phases with a clear phase coexistence, but almost no change in the mean total energy. 02.70.Uu, 05.70.Fh, 02.10.Kn Since the first simulation of knotted polymers in 1975 [1], the occurrence and behavior of knots in polymers has been studied in various contexts. Scanning through protein data bases has revealed that several proteins form knots [2][3][4]. In particular, Virnau et al. [5] have reviewed the whole Protein Data Bank ( [6]) and identified 36 different proteins forming relatively simple knots, none of which features more than five crossingssomehow evolution tries to avoid knotted proteins [7]. On the other hand, flexible polymers form much more complicated knots, which occur by chance in the swollen [8][9][10] and in the collapsed phase [10,11]. Essential for the existence of these two phases is the excluded volume and attraction of the monomers. Already lattice polymer simulations [12,13] show that models integrating selfavoidance and attraction exhibit a swollen, a globular, and a frozen phase. In this work we go a step ahead and investigate the knottedness of semi-flexible bead-stick polymers. There exists already some works concerning the more complex phase space of polymer models that incorporate bending stiffness [14]. The most comprehensive study uses a model for semi-flexible polymers of bead-spring type with finitely extensible nonlinear elastic (FENE) bonds [15]. By varying the bending stiffness, these models are able to mimic a large class of polymers, exhibiting, for instance, bent, hairpin or toroidal conformations.Nevertheless, none of the former work considered the knottedness of the polymer over the full bending stiffness range, which we will discuss in this Letter. By measuring the knot type we found pseudo phases with thermodynamically stable knotted polymers. The knot type will be shown to be an ideal topological order parameter to identify the knotting transition and, moreover, the behavior at the transition from an unknotted to a knotted pseudo phase turns out to be surprisingly different from all other pseudo-phase transitions of the bead-stick polymer in that it does not fit into the common classification scheme of first-and second-order phase transitions.To model a coarse-grained polymer with an adjustable stiffness, we use a modified version of the bead-stick model of Refs. [16][17][18], whi...