IntroductionIt was the pioneering work of Toyota researchers toward the development of polymeric nanocomposites in the early 90s [1,2] , in which electrostatically held 1 -nmthick layers of the layered aluminosilicates were dispersed in the polyamide matrix on a nanometer level, which led to an exponential growth in the research in these layered silicate nanocomposites. These nanocomposites were based on the in -situ synthesis approach in which monomer or monomer solution was used to swell the fi ller interlayers followed by polymerization. Subsequently, Giannelis and coworkers [3,4] also reported the route of melt intercalation for the synthesis of polymer nanocomposites.Montmorillonite has been the most commonly used layered aluminosilicate in most of the studies on polymer nanocomposites. The general formula of montmorillonites is M x (Al 4 − x Mg x )Si 8 O 20 (OH) 4 [5, 6] . Its particles consist of stacks of 1 -nmthick aluminosilicate layers (or platelets) with a regular gap in between (interlayer). Each layer consists of a central Al -octahedral sheet fused to two tetrahedral silicon sheets. In the tetrahedral sheets, silicon is surrounded by four oxygen atoms, whereas in the octahedral sheets, aluminum atom is surrounded by eight oxygen atoms. Isomorphic substitutions of aluminum by magnesium in the octahedral sheet generate negative charges, which are compensated for by alkaline -earth -or hydrated alkali -metal cations. Owing to the low charge density (0.25 -0.5 equiv. mol − 1 ) of montmorillonites, a larger area per cation is available on the surface that leads to a lower interlayer spacing in the modifi ed montmorillonite after surface ion exchange with alkyl ammonium ions. On the contrary, the minerals with high charge density (1 equiv. mol − 1 ) like mica have much smaller area per cation and can lead to much higher basal plane spacing after surface modifi cation; however, owing to very strong electrostatic forces present in the interlayers due to the increased number of ions, these minerals do not swell in water and thus do not allow the cation exchange. In contrast, aluminosilicates with medium charge densities of 0.5 -0.8 equiv. mol − 1 like vermiculite offer a potential of partial swelling in water and cation exchange that can lead to much higher basal plane spacing in In-situ Synthesis of Polymer Nanocomposites, First Edition. Edited by Vikas Mittal.