The Aral problem is of a planetary nature and its solution is possible only through large-scale forest reclamation. Every year, up to 150 million tons of salt, dust and sand rise into the air from the entire dried bottom located on the territory of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan with an area of about 6 million hectares, which rise high into the sky, where they mix with clouds and are carried away to a distance of up to 1000 km. This is the tragedy of the century and it can be solved only by creating forest plantations. The studies were carried out on the sandy loamy plain of the former Rybatsky Bay of the dried bottom of the Aral Sea. In order to increase the germination of seeds of desert plants by increasing soil moisture, work was carried out on an area of 2 hectares. On the dry bottom of the Aral Sea, forest cultivation is difficult due to low rainfall and hot weather. This problem can be solved by introducing water-retaining polymeric nanosubstances into the soil. During the period of shoots in the places where nanosubstances were introduced, soil moisture increased by 1.5-2.2% compared to the control, and the survival rate of seedlings increased by 1.6-3.3%. When studying the effect of nanosubstances on a different range of desert plants, it was revealed that the number of seedlings of saxaul per 100 linear meters was more by 19.1 pcs, cherkez by 17.7 pcs, kandym by 7.5 pcs, Izen by 8.6, chogon by 12.3 and teresken by 13.6 pcs of plants than on control. In the experiment, the survival rate of saxaul and teresken was higher by 28%, and by autumn the mortality of saxaul was 3% and teresken 4%, and in the control, respectively, the mortality was 20 and 9%. The advantage is retained by the water-retaining polymeric nanosubstance produced in Perm. Therefore, in order to obtain abundant seedling shoots from seeds and increase the survival rate of seedlings in the extreme conditions of the dried bottom of the Aral Sea, it is advisable to use polymeric water-retaining nanosubstances.