DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b03531
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Polymer Prodrug-Based Nanoreactors Activated by Tumor Acidity for Orchestrated Oxidation/Chemotherapy

Abstract: Therapeutic nanoreactors have been proposed to treat cancers through in situ transformation of low-toxicity prodrugs into toxic therapeutics in the body. However, the in vivo applications are limited by low tissue-specificity and different tissue distributions between sequentially injected nanoreactors and prodrugs. Herein, we construct a block copolymer prodrug-based polymersome nanoreactor that can achieve novel orchestrated oxidation/chemotherapy of cancer via specific activation at tumor sites. The block c… Show more

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Cited by 233 publications
(164 citation statements)
References 58 publications
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“…One example is demonstrated with block copolymers of poly(ethylene glycol) and polymers of piperidine-functionalized methacrylate. [46,47] The pKa of the block copolymer was determined to be 6.95. Thus, when the pH of the media was decreased from 7.4 to 6.8, piperidine groups in the hydrophobic block switched from neutral to positively-charged.…”
Section: Controlling Physicochemical Properties Of Polymersome Membranementioning
confidence: 99%
“…One example is demonstrated with block copolymers of poly(ethylene glycol) and polymers of piperidine-functionalized methacrylate. [46,47] The pKa of the block copolymer was determined to be 6.95. Thus, when the pH of the media was decreased from 7.4 to 6.8, piperidine groups in the hydrophobic block switched from neutral to positively-charged.…”
Section: Controlling Physicochemical Properties Of Polymersome Membranementioning
confidence: 99%
“…Moreover, to further increase ROS production efficiency, polymersome nanoreactors loading glucose oxidase in the aqueous cavities were constructed through the self‐assembly of amphiphilic BCPs (Li et al, ). In the nanoreactors, the reaction inside the vesicular cavities can further be adjusted by controlling permeability of the vesicular membranes and the reaction substrate exchange.…”
Section: Oxidation‐responsive Linkages In Bcpsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…(b) and (c) the BCP nanoreactors were designed to respond to mildly acidic tumor pH for activation to produce H 2 O 2 through improved membrane permeability which is favorable for glucose and oxygen diffusion, followed by free CPT release under the trigger by improved H 2 O 2 level. Source: Reprinted with permission from Li et al (2017). Copyright 2017 American Chemical Society widely used is o-nitrobenzyl ester for construction of BCPs and release conjugated drug under UV light irradiation.…”
Section: Light-responsive Linkages In Bcpsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Twos trategies have so far been reported to engineer nanocompartments with pH-triggered membrane permeability of polymersomes:1 )the insertion of stimuli-responsive engineered biopores into polymericv esicular nanoreactors, [61b, 64, 69] or 2) the incorporation of stimuli-responsive segments into the block copolymers for the self-assembly into polymersome-based nanoreactors. [44,68] In at ypical example regardingt he first strategy,P alivana nd co-authors recently reported about the innovative bio-inspired strategy to synthesize apolymeric vesicle with triggered functionality by the insertion of pH-reversible bio-valves into the membrane of an anocompartment; this resulted in as ystemt hat can reversibly switch the membrane permeability on or off according to the local pH environment. [61b] When considered as therapeutic nanoreactorsf or in vivo applications, the main advantage of this particulars trategy lies in the ability to generate nanocompart-ments with programmablem embrane permeability depending on specifics timuli, preserving the integrity of the nanoreactor and specifically becoming active at the desired site of action therebys afeguarding normal tissues from the toxicity.…”
Section: Polymeric-vesicle-based Therapeutic Nanoreactorsmentioning
confidence: 99%