“…A primer pair was used to amplify a 214-bp product from the histone 3.3 gene and to assess successful deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extraction and sample integrity. 52 DNA extraction was performed with a phenol, chloroform, isoamyl alcohol mix (50,48, and 2%, respectively) and a chloroform, isoamyl alcohol mix (96 and 4%, respectively) with intermediary centrifugations, followed by isopropanolol precipitation and 75% ethanol washing. The 3 parvovirus primer pairs (Eurogentec, Liege, Belgium) were previously described and PCRs were carried out in a 20-ml reaction mixture that included 4 ml buffer (Promega, Madison, WI), 0.8 ml deoxynucleotide mix (dNTP, 20 mM; Eurogentec), 1 ml forward primer and reverse primer (1 mg/ml), 0.1 ml DNA polymerase (5 mg/ml, Go Taq DNA Polymerase, Promega), and 1 ml DNA extract sample.…”