d D V A N C E D MATERIALSand side (b-d) views of 3 cm-long waveguides of polyurethane (NOA 73) fabricated on a silicon wafer covered with a 2 pm-thick layer of thermal silicon dioxide (Sil Si02). Light from a laser was coupled into a waveguide by butting the end of the optical fiber against the end of the waveguide.'"] These waveguides (n = 1.545) with cross-sections of -3 pm2 supported multi-mode transmission of light with I= 633 nm or 488 nm. We have made 3 cm-long waveguides using polyurethanes, epoxies, and rhodamine-doped polyurethanes and epoxies. A dye-doped waveguide emitted green light from fluorescence when light (A = 0.488 pm, blue) propagating in a waveguide excited the dopant. p T 1 has limitations. Microstructures fabricated on a flat surf; :e using pTM may have a thin ( < 0.1 pm) film betwee I polymeric features; we assume this film is formed by somc combination of transfer of prepolymer from the raist 1 surfaces of the mold, and capillary wicking of prepolymer from the relief structures. The film is sometimes too thin to be visible under a SEM, but it prevents the underlying substrate, such as Si, from being attacked by chemical etchant. When we wished to use the polymeric microstructures as resists to control selective etching of the underlying substrate, we removed this interfering film successfully using 0 2 reactive ion etching (RIE) (44 W, 13 sccm, 180 mTorr). Even without removing this film, however, pTM is successful in applications that are insensitive to its existence. One example is the fabrication of multilayer structures or microstructures on contoured surfaces (Fig. 2c-e). In this type of fabrication, any small amount of liquid prepolymer left on the raised areas of the mold appears to retract to the preexisting contoured surface by capillarity.We believe that pTM has a number of features that make it attractive as a technique in fabrication of microstructures: simplicity; the ability to fabricate both single-and multi-layer microstructures; applicability to non-planar substrates, and to substrates supporting preexisting complex microstructures; speed applicability to the fabrication of structures over large areas; compatibility with a broad range of materials; insensitivity to the viscosity of these materials-all suggest the potential for broad applications in microfabrication.
ExperimentalThe elastomeric mold was made from poly(dimethylsiloxane), (PDMS, Sylgard 184, Dow Corning, Silicone Elastomer) as described previously [12,13]. The filled thin ( < 2 mm thick) PDMS mold was brought carefully into contact with the substrate to prevent air bubbles from being trapped between the mold and the substrate. We have used UV-curable polyurethanes (NOA 73, Norland Products; J-91, Summer Optics), heat-curable epoxies (FIOYCLR, F109, F114, Tra-Con), rhodamine-doped polymers (NOA 73, J-91, or FIOYCLR, saturated with rhodamine 590 chloride, Exciton), and precursors for S O z , and Z r 0 2 to make microstructures on various substrates, such as Ag. Au, glass, Si, and Si/SiOz. Photo-...