The polymerization of styrene microemulsions prepared from water, sodium dodecyl sulfate, and 1-pentanol was carried out using water-soluble potassium persulfate or oil-soluble 2,2'-azobis(2-methyl butyronitrile) initiator at 70°C. The latexes were stable, bluish, and less trans lucent than the microemulsions. The polymerization rates measured by dilatometry increased to a maximum and then decreased (only two intervals). The maximum polymeriza tion rate and number of particles varied with the 0.47 and 0.40 powers of potassium persulfate concentration, and the 0.39 and 0.38 powers of 2,2'-azobis(2-methyl bu tyronitrile) concentration, respectively. The small aver age latex particle sizes (20-30 nm) and high polymer mo lecular weights (1-2x106) showed that each latex particle comprised only 2-3 polystyrene molecules. The number of particles remained unchanged when the styrene was diluted with toluene at constant oil-phase volume. The mechanism proposed for both water-soluble and oil-soluble initia tors comprised nucleation in the microemulsion droplets by radical entry from the aqueous phase, with the drop lets which did not capture radicals serving as reservoirs to supply monomer to the polymer particles (homogeneous nucleation was not ruled out, however). This mechanism was compared with those proposed for conventional emul sion polymerization and miniemulsion polymerization.Many workers have studied microemulsions since the concept was intro duced in 1943 by Hoar and Schulman (χ), who showed that mixtures of oil, water, and alkali-metal soaps with certain alcohols or amines formed transparent dispersions, which they called "oleopathic hydromicelles. n The research then continued desultorily for 30 years, but accelerated when microemulsions were found to be effective in enhan ced oil recovery (2-4). The literature on microemulsions is now ex tensive and includes several books (5-12) published since 1977·