Highly coarse-grained (hCG) linear polymer models allow
for accessing
long time and length scales by dissipative particle dynamics (DPD).
This top-down strategy exploits the universal equilibrium behavior
of long, flexible macromolecules by accounting only for the relevant
interactions, such as molecular connectivity, and by parametrizing
their strength via coarse-grained invariants, such as the mean-squared
end-to-end distance. The description of the dynamics of long, entangled
polymers, however, poses a challenge because (i) the noncrossability
of the molecular backbones is not enforced by the soft interactions
of an hCG model and (ii) the rheology involves multiple time and length
scales, such as the Rouse-like dynamics on short scales and the reptation
dynamics on long scales. One popular technique to effectively mimic
the effect of entanglements in linear polymer melts via hCG models
is slip-springs, and quantitative agreement with simulations that
explicitly account for the noncrossability of molecular contours,
experiments, and theoretical predictions has been achieved by identifying
the time, length, and energy scales of the hCG model and adjusting
the number of slip-springs per macromolecule. In the present work,
we study how the spatial extent and the mobility of slip-springs affect
the dynamics and discuss their implications in the choice of the degree
of coarse-graining in computationally efficient hCG models.