Polymer-based lubricant
additives for friction reduction, wear protection, or viscosity improvement
have been widely studied. However, single additives achieving all
three functions are rare. To address this need, we have explored the
combination of polymer topology with organic–inorganic hybrid
chemistry to simultaneously vary the temperature- and shear-dependent
properties of polymer additives in solution and at solid surfaces.
A topological library of lubricant additives, based on statistical
copolymers of stearyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate, ranging
from linear to branched star architectures, was prepared using ruthenium-catalyzed
controlled radical polymerization. Control over the polymerization
yielded additives with low dispersity and comparable molecular weights,
allowing evaluation of the influence of polymer architecture on friction
reduction, wear protection, and bulk viscosity improvement in a commercial
base oil (Yubase 4). Structure–performance relationships for
these functions were assessed by a combination of a high-speed surface
force apparatus (HS-SFA) experiments, wear track profilometry, quartz
crystal microbalance analysis, and solution viscometry. The custom-built
HS-SFA provides a unique experimental environment to measure the boundary
lubrication performance under extreme shear rates (≈107 s–1) for prolonged times (24 h), mimicking
the extreme conditions of automotive applications. These experiments
revealed that the performance of the additives as boundary lubricants
and wear protectants scales with the degree of branching. The branched
architectures prohibit ordering of the additives in thin films under
high-load conditions, leading to a thicker absorbed polymer brush
boundary layer and therefore enhanced film fluidity and lubricity.
Additionally, star polymers with increasing arm number lead to bulk
viscosity modification, reflected by a significant increase in the
viscosity index compared to the commercial base oil. Although outperformed
by linear polymers for bulk viscosity improvement, the (hybrid) star
polymers successfully combine the three distinct lubricant additive
functions: friction reduction, wear protection, and bulk viscosity
improvementin a single polymeric structure. It should also
be noted that, judging from HS-SFA experiments, hybrid stars carrying
a silicate-based core outperform their fully organic analogues as
boundary lubricants. The enhanced performance is most likely driven
by attractive forces between the silicate cores and the employed metallic
surfaces. Combining three function in one minimizes formulation complexity
and thus opens a route to fundamentally understand and formulate key
design parameters for the development of novel multifunction lubricant