Abstractγ ′ Fibrinogen is an isoform of fi brinogen that normally constitutes about 7 % of total plasma fi brinogen, and arises from an alternative processing event in the γ chain mRNA. γ ′ Fibrinogen is a newly-emerging cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor that appears to have an independent association with CVD from that of total fi brinogen, which is itself a well-established CVD risk factor. γ ′ Fibrinogen shows a signifi cant association with coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction in at least four case-control studies, including the Stockholm Coronary Artery Risk Factor study and the Framingham Heart Study. γ ′ Fibrinogen is also signifi cantly associated with stroke, as shown in the Erasmus Stroke Study and others. The role of genetic polymorphisms in the association between γ ′ fi brinogen and CVD is under active investigation. γ ′ Fibrinogen increases during infl ammation, and is differentially regulated from total fi brinogen under pathologic conditions, as demonstrated in the Periodontitis and Vascular Events study. The association between γ ′ fi brinogen and venous thromboembolism remains unclear, however, with some studies showing an inverse association with γ ′ fi brinogen levels and other studies showing the opposite.