Self-assembled Monolayers (SAMs) Formed by the Spontaneous Adsorption of Organic Thiols on Metal Surfaces offer a powerful route for potential applications in a variety of fields such as corrosion inhibition, lubrication, sensors, biointerface, and nanopatterning. [1][2][3][4] Recently, SAMs of aromatic thiols have drawn considerable attention due to their practical applications in molecular electronic devices. 5,6 It has been demonstrated that the work function of metal electrodes in electronic devices can be easily tuned by introducing the SAMs of ω-functionalized aromatic thiols with different functional group 5-8 and the performance of SAMmodified devices was strongly dependent on the molecular orientation of adsorbed molecules.8 Therefore, it is essential to understand the surface structure and molecular orientation of aromatic thiol SAMs as well as to control two-dimensional (2D) structure of SAMs for the development of electronic devices. Structural order of aromatic thiol SAMs on Au(111) was considerably enhanced by increasing the number of phenyl ring in the molecular backbone 9-11 and by inserting the alkyl spacer between the phenyl ring and the sulfur atom.12,13 High-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) imaging revealed that the adsorption of benzenethiol (BT) on Au(111) at 50°C led to the formation of well-ordered SAMs showing the (2 × 3√2)R30° structure, 9,12 while fluorinated benzenethiol SAMs have quite different packing strcutures.14,15 So far, numerous reports have mainly focused on the surface structure, molecular orientation, self-assembled process and physical property of SAMs formed by various aromatic thiols. 6-16 However, there have been very few reports on the structure and orientation of SAMs of 4-alkylbenzenethiols with a nonpolar sustituent.
17The main purpose of this work is to elucidate how much the alkyl substituent of benzenethiol at 4-position affects the formation and structure of SAMs. To explore this question, we examined 4-methylbenzenethiol (4-MBT) SAMs prepared in a 1 mM ethanol solution using STM, and revealed for the first time that 4-MBP molecules on Au(111) at 75 ºC form 2D ordered SAMs describing a (2√3 × √11.5)R30°s tructure.Atomically flat Au(111) substrates were prepared by thermal evaporation of gold onto mica as described previously.10 4-MBT SAMs were prepared by dipping the Au(111) substrate in a 1 mM ethanol solution of 4-MBT at room temperature or 75 °C for 2 h. STM measurements were carried out using a NanoScope E (Veeco, Santa Barbara, CA) with a commercial Pt/Ir (80:20) tip under ambient conditions. Imaging parameters were in the range of 300-500 mV for the bias voltage and in the range of 0.30-0.60 nA for the tunneling current between the tip and the sample.STM images in Figure 1 show the surface structures of 4-MBT SAMs on Au(111) formed after immersion in a 1 mM ethanol solution at room temperature and 75 °C for 2 h. The adsorption of 4-MBT molecules on Au(111) at room temperature yielded to the disordered SAMs containing gold adatom islands (bri...