The asymptotic freeness of independent unitarily invariant N × N random matrices holds in expectation up to O(N −2 ). An already known consequence is the infinitesimal freeness in expectation. We put in evidence another consequence for unitarily invariant random matrices: the almost sure asymptotic freeness of type B. As byproducts, we recover the asymptotic cyclic monotonicity, and we get the asymptotic conditional freeness. In particular, the eigenvector empirical spectral distribution of the sum of two randomly rotated random matrices converges towards the conditionally free convolution. We also show new connections between infinitesimal freeness, freeness of type B, conditional freeness, cyclic monotonicity and monotone independence. Finally, we show rigorously that the BBP phase transition for an additive rank-one perturbation of a GUE matrix is a consequence of the asymptotic conditional freeness, and the arguments extend to the study of the outlier eigenvalues of other unitarily invariant ensembles. * G.C. has been partly supported by the ERC advanced grant "Noncommutative distributions in free probability", partly by the Project MESA (ANR-18-CE40-006) and partly by the Project STARS (ANR-20-CE40-0008) of the French National Research Agency. G.C. wishes to thank Roland Speicher, for giving him the opportunity to co-organize the Mini-workshop Notions of freeness in April 2015, during which the authors conceived of the first ideas that led to the present work.† F.G. has been partly supported by the ERC SG CONSTAMIS.