This paper is dedicated to Professor Arthur S. Perlin on the occasion of his 67th birthday BRIAN R. HARKNESS and DEREK G. GRAY. Can. J. Chem. 68, 1 135 (1990). A series of novel specifically substituted 6-0-trityl-2,3-0-alkyl cellulose derivatives have been prepared by the reaction of triphenylmethyl (trityl) cellulose in DMSO with powdered sodium hydroxide and an alkyl iodide (iodohexane, iodopentane, and iodobutane). These derivatives form lyotropic chiral nematic mesophases that exhibit both left-and right-handed twists. The dilute solution circular dichroism due to the phenyl chromophores along the chain does not correlate with the twist sense of the tertiary structures. However, a striking difference in the optical activity of the phenyl chromophores was observed in mesophases with the opposite twist sense. This may reflect some molecular factor responsible for the change in the macroscopic twist sense, or it may be due to the chirality of the helicoidal tertiary structure of the mesophase.Key words: cellulose, trityl, mesophase, cholesteric, chiroptical.BRIAN R. HARKNESS et DEREK G. GRAY. Can. J. Chem. 68, 1135 (1990). En faisant rCagir de la triphCnylmCthy1 (trityl) cellulose avec de l'hydroxyde de sodium et des iodures d'alkyles (iodohexane, iodopentane et iodobutane) en solution dans le DMSO, on a prepare une skrie de nouvelles 6-0-trityl-2,3-0-alkyl celluloses spCcIfiquernent substituCes. Ces dCrivCs foment des mesophases nematiques chirales lyotropes qui prCsentent des deviations vers la gauche ainsi que vers la droite. Des solutions diluees presentent un dichroi'sme circulaire qui est dii aux chromophores phCnyles de la chalne; il n'y a pas de correlation entre ces spectres et le sens de rotation des structures tertiaires. Toutefois, les mesophases de sens de rotation opposCs presentent des diffkrences remarquables dans I'activitC optique des chromophores phenyles. Cette diffkrence pourrait &tre le reflet de facteurs molCculaires responsables pour le changement dans le sens macroscopique de rotation ou bien elle pourrait &tre due a la chiralitk de la structure helicoidale tertiaire de la mesophase.