“…They are mainly studies on diffusion and/or antimicrobial activity of natamycin in model systems. There is also another group of articles, which are studies on the effect of treatment with natamycin, alone or in combination with other antimicrobial agents on cheese features (e.g., De Oliveira, De F atima Ferreira Soares, Pereira, & De Freitas Fraga, 2007;Dos Santos Pires et al, 2008;Fajardo et al, 2010;Hanu sov a, Dobi a s, & Vold rich, 2012;Hanu sov a et al, 2010;Kallinteri, Kostoula, & Savvaidis, 2013;Mann & Beuchat, 2008;Oll e Resa, Gerschenson, & Jagus, 2014a;Oll e Resa, Jagus, & Gerschenson, 2014b;Ramos et al, 2012;Su arez, Tremmel, Rivera, Reinheimer, & Meinardi, 2012;Ture, Eroglu, Ozen, & Soyer, 2011;Var, Erginkaya, Güven, & Kabak, 2006).…”