Measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) spectral y-distortion anisotropy offer a test for the statistical isotropy of the primordial density perturbations on 0.01 kMpc 1. We compute the 1-point ensemble averages of the y-distortion anisotropies which vanish for the statistically isotropic perturbations. For the quadrupole statistical anisotropy, we find 4π y2m = −6.8A2 × 10 −9 Y2m(d) with the quadruple Legendre coefficient of the anisotropic powerspectrum A2 and the = 2 spherical harmonics Y2m(d) for the preferred direction d. Also, we discuss the cosmic variance of the y-distortion anisotropy in the statistically anisotropic Universe.There exist 10 −5 of anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the fossil of the radiation emitted about 380,000 years after the Big Bang [1-3]. These fluctuations are random fields on top of the statistically isotropic background spacetime, and cosmic inflation can explain their origin as the quantum fluctuations in the very early stage of the expanding Universe [4][5][6]. However, such a rotational invariance is not a mandatory requirement. Indeed several inflationary models can break the rotational symmetry in the early Universe [7-10]. For example, a vector field during inflation leads to a preferred direction and produces the quadrupole asymmetry in the primordial powerspectrum of the density perturbations [8][9][10]. More generally, spinning particles imprint the multipole asymmetry of the primordial correlators [11][12][13], and hence the statistical asymmetries are sensitive to the matter contents during inflation. Thus, the statistical isotropy is an assumption to be tested through observations, and its probes have been discussed with the powerspectra of the CMB anisotropies, the 21cm lines and galaxies [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24].In this Letter, we point out another way to link the primordial statistical anisotropy with a cosmological observable, i.e., a deviation of the CMB energy spectrum from the blackbody one. In particular, we discuss the sensitivity for the short wavelength (O(0.01) < kMpc < O(1.)) statistical anisotropy. We focus on the spectral y-distortion, a kinetic deviation from the Planck distribution due to the Compton scattering in the late epoch of the early Universe [25,26]. A typical source of the y-distortion is energy release from dissipation of acoustic waves on small scales. It produces the y-distortions at second-order in the cosmological perturbations, and hence the ensemble average of them is related to the short wavelength primordial powerspectrum [27][28][29]. In particular, the isotropic spectral distortion has been studied for the small-scale primordial powerspectrum. Here, we investigate imprints of the primordial statistical anisotropy on the y-distortion anisotropy. In contrast to Refs [30-32], we do not discuss the 2-or higher correlation func-tions of the spectral distortion anisotropy. Instead, we compute a simple 1-point ensemble average of the ydistortion anisotropy in an explicit way based on...