The 18 O+ 110 Pd reaction has been studied in the range from 2, 5 to 3, 3MeV per nucleon using the Saci-Perere γ−ray spectrometer at the Pelletron accelerator Laboratory (LAFN-IFUSP-DFN). The objective was the study of nuclear reaction mechanisms by the use of γ−particle coincidence, establishing this technique, and verifying how the effects of energy loss in the target, the finite solid angle of the particle detector, the finite size of HPGe detector, and the vacuum de-alignment affect the measurements. It was observed that the corrections to the data due to these effects are small and well controlled, with exception of the vacuum de-alignment, which has to be studied more deeply. It was concluded that the inelastic scattering to the first excited state of 110 Pd can be reasonably well described using the São Paulo Potencial (PSP) in the form U (R) = (0, 6 + 0, 6i)V