Due to the concern on cloud security, digital encryption is applied before outsourcing data to the cloud for utilization. This introduces a challenge about how to efficiently perform queries over ciphertexts. Crypto-based solutions currently suffer from limited operation support, high computational complexity, weak generality, and poor verifiability. An alternative method that utilizes hardware-assisted Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), i.e., Intel SGX, has emerged to offer high computational efficiency, generality and flexibility. However, SGX based solutions lack support on multiuser query control and suffer from security compromises caused by untrustworthy TEE function invocation, e.g., key revocation failure, incorrect query results, and sensitive information leakage. In this paper, we leverage SGX and propose a secure and efficient SQL-style query framework named QShield. Notably, we propose a novel lightweight secret sharing scheme in QShield to enable multiuser query control; it effectively circumvents key revocation and avoids cumbersome remote attestation for authentication. We further embed a trustproof mechanism into QShield to guarantee the trustworthiness of TEE function invocation; it ensures the correctness of query results and alleviates side-channel attacks. Through formal security analysis, proof-of-concept implementation and performance evaluation, we show that QShield can securely query over outsourced data with high efficiency and scalable multiuser support. Index Terms-Secure query, Outsourced data, Secure hardware, Intel SGX, Cloud computing, Multiuser query control We would like to thank Wen-hai Sun, Ning Zhang and Xue-qin Liang for their insightful comments on the manuscript. We also thank Wen-jing Lou for her constructive suggestions and kindly comments on this research topic.