INTRODUCTIONSeveral types of synthetic linear polybases have beeu synthesized and studied during the last two decades. Notable are the basic polypeptides,' the polyethyleneimines, polyvinylamine, the polyvinylpyridine and polyvinylpyridinium derivative^,^ and some basic esters of polyacids.6 The basic polyelectrolytes proved to be useful models for the physicochemical characterization of positive biocolloids6 and recently interest has developed in their use for selective fractionation of negative macromo1ecu1es.' However, the field of polybase applications is still restricted, mainly because of the limited number of substances available and the narrow range of their basicities.This work deals with a new member of the group of polymeric basesthe polyvinylpiperidines. The monomeric a-viiiylpiperidine was first prepared by Ladenburg* in 1889 and monomeric p-vinylpiperidine was synthesized almost thirty years ago.9 The yields reported are, however, rather poor. Our attempts to polymerize a-vinylpiperidine by either free radical or ionic catalysts did not lead to high polymers. A dif€erent approach to the synthesis of polyvinylpiperidine was therefore chosen. As I:
My-2-viny lpyridinePoly-2-vin y lpiperidine
Pol y-4-viny lp yridinePoly-a-vinylpiperidine * In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph. D. degree of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.