Fetal growth restriction (FGR) remains a cause of perinatal brain injury, sometimes leading to neurological and intellectual impairment. Although the mechanisms and pathophysiology of CNS injuries have not been elucidated completely, it is possible carbohydrate and energy metabolism may have an important role in the FGR brain. In this study, FGR was induced in rats by administration of synthetic thromboxane A 2 (STA 2 ). Pups were delivered by cesarean section. After killing, samples were obtained from the fetuses of both control and FGR rats for evaluation of carbohydrate and energy metabolism in brain tissue. Lactate and pyruvate levels in brain were reduced significantly in the FGR group. Glucose content in brain tissue tended to be increased in the FGR group. In contrast, glycogen content in brain tissue tended to be lower in the FGR group. However, these differences in glucose and glycogen content did not reach statistical significance. Brain high-energy reserves, including ATP, ADP, AMP, and phosphocreatine (P-Cr), were similar in the control and FGR groups. Gluconeogenesis compensated for chronic fetal hypoxia and decreased glycogen storage. Energy metabolism in the FGR brain is likely to be disrupted as a consequence of lower reserves of energy substrates. (Pediatr Res 70: 21-24, 2011) F etal growth restriction (FGR) is an important cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Surviving small-for-GA (SGA) infants have a higher incidence of neurological impairments including mental retardation and educational and/or behavioral problems (1-3). Several authors have reported that perinatal hypoxic ischemic brain damage may contribute to an increased prevalence of motor, cognitive, and affective disabilities in children born with FGR (4 -6). However, the mechanisms underlying these disabilities have not yet been fully elucidated.Various prenatal factors may affect fetal growth. Pregnancyinduced hypertension (PIH) is an especially important factor in FGR fetuses. In PIH, increasing umbilical vessel resistance causes limitations in uteroplacental blood flow. As a consequence, the supply of oxygen and nutrition to the fetus may decrease (7). FGR fetuses are frequently hypoxic and hypoglycemic (8). During labor, uterine contractions can further compromise placental blood flow and oxygen supply to the FGR fetus, thereby increasing the risk of an intrapartum hypoxic-ischemic event and subsequent brain injury (9). Several authors have also reported that FGR fetuses are not only at great risk of perinatal hypoxic ischemic events but also may be more susceptible to hypoxic-ischemic brain damage, compared with appropriate-for-GA (AGA) fetuses (9,10).Several studies have investigated the mechanisms of brain injuries in FGR model animals (11-13). Manipulations to induce FGR in animal models included surgical ligation of vessels supplying the uteroplacental unit (12) and maternal starvation (11). However, these models do not necessarily reflect the pathophysiology of FGR. It has been suggested that plasma levels ...