Most research efforts in India have focused on table bananas belonging to the AAA genetic group and not much research has been done on the ABB and AAB genotypes with respect to postharvest quality parameters in India. In this background, the performance of sixteen banana genotypes belonging to ABB genomic group and two genotypes belonging to AAB genomic group were evaluated for bunch traits and postharvest quality attributes. The experiment was laid out in a complete randomized block design with three replications. The genotypes displayed significant variations in bunch yield and postharvest quality attributes. The bunch weight varied from 12.00 kg/plant in Nendran to 28.50 kg/ plant in NRCB-8. The genotype Popoulu recorded higher finger weight (417.00 g). With respect to postharvest attributes, the pulp weight of the fruit ranged from 54.33 to 292.33 g in Karibale and Popoulu respectively. Popoulu and Dakshin Sagar recorded maximum and minimum pulp to peel ratios respectively. The peel thickness Ranged from 1.65 to 3.27 mm. Fruit firmness was higher in Monthan (21.09 kg/cm 2 ) at harvest while Nendran registered better firmness at ripened stage. Shelf-life of ripened fruits ranged between 3.44 to 6.00 days and Nendran recorded the longest shelf-life. Significantly the highest TSS content of 27.33 0 Brix was recorded in Karpooravalli. Total sugars and titratable acidity varied from 13.87 to 24.37 and 0.30 to 0.97 percent respectively. Sugar acid ratio ranged from 16.64 to 74.96 with a coefficient of variation of 49.08 percent. The reducing and non-reducing sugar content differed significantly and ranged from 12.06 to 22.18 and 1.34 to 2.51 percent respectively. Significant variation witnessed among the genotypes indicated a huge potential for selection among the genotypes for breeding programs.