Dissolution of solid particles in liquids is commonly encountered in the chemical process industry. Solids possessing wide distributions of particle sizes appear in most dissolution processes (e.g., crystallization: Randolph and Larson, 197 1) and shrinkage processes (e.g., combustion: Dickinson and Marshall, 1986). Models formulated in terms of the average particle size can lead to objectionably large errors in predicting the behavior of a realistic dissolution process (LeBlanc and Fogler, 1987). Errors of this origin can be eliminated through the use of the population balance method. This fact has been demonstrated by LeBlanc and Fogler (1987) for the special cases of rate-limiting regimes, namely, the regimes of mass-transfer control and surface-reaction control. No general analyses of the transition regime, however, have been reported until now, for the situations with either the surface-reaction control or the bulk-liquid reaction control as the kinetic asymptote. Even the simpler ratelimiting regime of bulk-liquid reaction control for a polydisperse system has apparently remained unanalysed so far. Recent work on the concept of kinetic invariance (Bhaskarwar, 1987) has led to some useful approximate analytical solutions describing the dissolution behaviour of small particles. The purpose of the present paper is to combine these two approaches in order to generate a population balance theory of a dissolution process which is valid not only for the rate-limiting regimes of mass-transfer control and bulk-liquid reaction control, but also for the general transition regime. In essence, it is a generalization of an analysis which, while being analogous to that of LeBlanc and Fogler (1987), describes the dissolution accompanied by a bulk-liquid reaction.To cope with the variety of influences of the different methods of particulate production on the size distribution, a number of distribution models and parameters have been analysed allowing also for the distribution shift with reaction.
Model Development for the Transition Regime