Productivity susceptibility analysis (PSA) is a semi-quantitative ecological risk assessment tool, widely used to determine the relative vulnerability of target and non-target species to fishing impacts. Considering the available information on species-specific life-history and fishery-specific attributes, we used PSA to assess the relative risk of the 60 species interacting with the shrimp trawl fishery in the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Penaeus monodon, the most important target, and Metapenaeus monoceros, the highest catch contributor, along with other 15 species were in the moderate-risk category, while seven non-target bycatch species were in the high-risk category. PSA-derived vulnerability results were validated with IUCN extinction risk, exploitation rate and stocks’ catch trend. The majority of the identified species showed high productivity (37%) and high susceptibility (46%), and all the moderately and highly vulnerable species were subjected to overfishing conditions by shrimp trawl fishery, which coincided with the vulnerability scores (V ≥ 1.8). Species with V ≥ 1.8 mostly showed a decreasing catch trend, while the species with a stable or increasing catch trend had a V ≤ 1.72. Data quality analysis of productivity and susceptibility attributes indicated that the majority of species were considered data-limited, which emphasizes the acquisition of data on spatio-temporal abundance, catch and effort, and biological information specifically relating to species age, growth, and reproduction. However, our findings can assist fishery administrators in implementing an ecosystem approach to ensure the sustainability and conservation of marine biodiversity in the Bay of Bengal.