A field experiment on the seasonal incidence of stem fly, Melanagromyza sojae (Zehntner) infesting black gram was carried out in variety GU 1 (Gujarat Urd 1) during kharif 2017 and 2021 at Entomology farm, B. A. College of Agriculture, AAU, Anand. Infestation of M. sojaewas observed from 1st WAS i.e., 34th SMW. Later on, infestation increased gradually and its highest infestation was observed during the 39th SMW i.e., 68.33 and 73.33% of kharif, 2017 and 2021, respectively. Stem fly infestation exhibited a highly significant positive association (r = 0.519** and 0.655**, respectively) with bright sunshine hours (BSS) and maximum temperature (MaxT), respectively. Abiotic factors viz., rainfall (RF) exhibited a significant negative association (-0.458*), while evaporation (EP) showed a significant positive association (0.466*).