Regardless of continuous researches, recent researches on the genus Eucampia (Bacillariophyceae) have focused mainly on E. zodiacus f. zodiacus In the present study, species of the genus Eucampia have been studied based on their morphological characteristics. Eucampia species were collected at 24 sites from July 2008 to June 2011 in Korean coastal waters. Species were mainly identified based on the shape of valve, ocellus, and aperture, along with the length and shape of the bipolar elevations. As a result, five Eucampia species were identified: Eucampia cornuta, E. groenlandica, E. zodiacus f. zodiacus, E. zodiacus f. cylindrocornis, and E. zodiacus var. cornigera. E. cornuta and E. groenlandica have long pervalvar axis length, but the others display short or moderate length. Ocellus shape of E. cornuta, E. groenlandica and E. zodiacus f. cylindrocornis are linear ribs, whereas E. zodiacus f. zodiacus and E. zodiacus var. cornigera have radial ribs with central area. E. cornuta and E. zodiacus f. cylindrocornis have long and narrow cylindrical elevations. E. groenlandica and E. zodiacus f. zodiacus have short and broad elevations with blunt tips. E. zodiacus var. cornigera has long and broad conical elevations. In terms of aperture shape, E. cornuta has large elliptical form, E. groenlandica has almost circular to rounded rectangular form, E. zodiacus f. zodiacus has narrow and elliptical rounded rectangular to a narrow lanceolate form, E. zodiacus f. cylindrocornis has almost rectangular form, and E. zodiacus var. cornigera has rounded rhombic form. On the basis of elevations in broad girdle view, 5 Eucampia taxa could be divided into 3 types: 'narrow H type', E. cornuta and E. groenlandica; 'regular H type', E. zodiacus f. cylindrocornis and E. zodiacus var. cornigera (partial); 'wide H type', E. zodiacus f. zodiacus (almost).