This work comprises the spread of Zika virus between humans and mosquitoes as a mathematical simulation under fractional order, which also incorporates the asymptotically infected human population. For determining the solution of the model the fuzzy Laplace transform technique is utilized. By combining fuzzy logic with the Laplace transform, we can analyze systems even when we lack precise information. Further, the sensitivity analysis is performed to validate the model. On top of that the population dynamics of both human and mosquito populations are discussed using numerical data and the graphical result of the model is presented. The main objective of this work is to study the dynamics of the Zika virus and to examine the effect of virus on humans when the transmission occurs between humans and from mosquitoes, under fractional order. The outcome of these comparisons suggests that even by reducing a minute fractional part of transmission through mosquitoes results in a greater reduction of Zika exposed population. The comparisons improve the understanding of fractional level transmission resulting in more effective drug administration to patients. The Hyers-Ulam stability method is a mathematical technique used to study the stability of functional equations. Eventually, Ulam Hyers and Ulam Hyers Rassias stability are employed to assess the stability of the proposed model.