Schizodactylus monstrosus, sometimes known as Drury, is an Orthoptera species classified under the family Schizodactylidae. Only two genera of this insect may be found across the globe: the winged Schizodactylus, which is native to Eurasia, and the Comicus, which is native to Africa and does not have wings. The genus Schizodactylus is known from Burma to Turkey, including India. Seven species of this genus were discovered, namely S. monstrosus (Drury), S. inexpectatus, S. burmanus, S. minor, S. tuberculatus, S. hesperus, and S. brevinotus. Recently, Thailand discovered the eighth species S. salweenensis. It is a nocturnal, carnivorous, and also anabolic insect. S. monstrosus is strictly night active or nocturnal, which is supported by its coloration. The insect’s color is creamy yellow and light green on the belly, and its wings are brown. Despite various works done previously on the burrowing behavior of Schizodactylus monstrosus, our investigation unfolds some new facts about their burrowing behavior as well as anthropogenic threats that cause a vigorous decline in population density.