“…Predefined acceptance criteria to assess the predictive performance of the 37 ; this value is in a reasonable agreement with apparent volume distribution (0.438 L/kg) estimated using a population pharmacokinetic approach. 38 For in vitro dissolution information on the tablet and capsule formulations, please see the Supplementary Materials. B/P, blood-to-plasma ratio; CL int , intrinsic clearance; CL po , apparent oral clearance; EC 50 , half-maximal effective concentration; E max , maximum achievable response; f u,gut , fraction unbound in gut enterocytes; f u,inc , fraction unbound in the incubation; f u,mic , fraction unbound in microsomes; f u,plasma , fraction unbound in plasma; HLM, human liver microsomes; K I , inhibitory constant for time-dependent inhibition; K i , inhibitory constant for reversible inhibition; K inact , rate of enzyme inactivation; MW, molecular weight; P eff,man , human intestinal effective permeability; pK a , acid dissociation constant (logarithmic scale); V ss , volume of distribution at steady state.…”