This study undertakes the characterization of digestive proteases in the juvenile green cichlid, Cichlasoma beani. The results obtained showed a higher activity of alkaline proteases (0.14 ± 0.01 U mg protein −1 ) compared to acid proteases (0.07 ± 0.01 U mg protein −1 ) in this species. The optimum temperature of the alkaline proteases was 65 • C and these enzymes were more thermostable to temperature changes than the acid proteases, characterized by an optimal temperature of 55 • C. The pH optimum was 2 for acid proteases, and 11 for alkaline proteases, which were also more stable to changes in pH between 8 and 10. The use of specific inhibitors showed an acid protease inhibition of 88% with pepstatin A as inhibitor. In the zymogram SDS-PAGE analysis of alkaline proteases, five active fractions were revealed, indicating the presence of serine proteases. These results confirm that both alkaline and acid proteases are involved in the digestion of C. beani, and suggest that this species is omnivorous with carnivorous tendencies. The present study contributes to our knowledge about the digestive physiology of C. beani, and can be applied towards improved understanding of the kinds of protein sources that could be used in the development of inerts diets.