In recent years, polymer flooding of heavy oil has been extensively studied in laboratories and successfully applied in several fields. This paper reports the laboratory corefloods, development of mechanistic models, and simulation studies of polymer flooding in a heavy oil reservoir with active aquifer influxes.
Bentley Field, operated by Xcite Energy Resources, is located on the UK Continental Shelf. Flow tests confirmed the existence of a large, active bottom aquifer which may cause polymer loss and decrease the economic attractiveness of polymer flooding. To analyze the impact of the aquifer on oil recovery efficiency, a reservoir simulation model was set up. Several development scenarios have been simulated for the optimization of development strategy. Conventional thinking, based on previously accepted EOR screening criteria, would be that the oil viscosity (approximately 1500 cp) exceeds the economic and technical limit of oil viscosity for polymer flooding. However, this paper demonstrates that the limit for effective polymer flooding can be extended to considerably higher viscosity oils. To validate the applicability of polymer flooding, two laboratory experiments were conducted with two different high permeability sandpacks. Due to the unconsolidated nature of the Bentley formation no cores were available. Waterflooding was stopped when water cut reached 90% and up to that point, less than 25% of oil in place had been recovered. However, the remaining oil saturations after both tertiary polymer corefloods achieved around a 5% level. We investigated the recovery mechanisms and developed a mechanistic model to match the laboratory observations.
Simulation results show that for this heavy oil field with an active aquifer, polymer flooding economics can be improved by optimizing well locations, number of horizontal wells, polymer injection time, etc. In history matching coreflood experiments, two oil saturation reduction mechanisms were considered: (1) viscous polymer solution reduces viscous fingering and channeling effects especially in the heavy oil displacement process and also reduces remaining oil saturation after waterflooding; (2) remaining oil can be mobilized by viscoelastic properties of synthetic polymer solutions. Both mechanisms were considered in the simulation study where a favorable match of oil recovery and pressure drop was obtained.
In this paper, polymer flooding is shown as a viable technology in a heavy oil reservoir, despite the highly unfavorable mobility ratio and strong aquifer influxes. Considering the diminishing conventional oil reserves, polymer flooding provides a non-thermal approach for producing heavy oil reserves that may be particularly attractive in an offshore environment, compared to thermal techniques.