Copper -gold mineralization at the world-class Batu Hijau porphyry deposit, Sumbawa Island, Indonesia, is closely related to the emplacement of multiple stages of tonalite porphyries. Petrographic examination indicates that at least two texturally distinct types of tonalite porphyries are currently recognized in the deposit, which are designated as "intermediate tonalite" and "young tonalite". They are mineralogically identical, consisting of phenocrysts of plagioclase, hornblende, quartz, biotite and magnetite ± ilmenite, which are set in a medium-coarse grained groundmass of plagioclase and quartz. The chemical composition of the rock-forming minerals, including plagioclase, hornblende, biotite, magnetite and ilmenite in the tonalite porphyries was systematically analyzed by electron microprobe. The chemical data of these minerals were used to constrain the crystallization conditions and fl uorine -chlorine fugacity of the corresponding tonalitic magma during its emplacement and crystallization. The crystallization conditions, including temperature (T), pressure (P) and oxygen fugacity ( f O 2 ), were calculated by applying the hornblende -plagioclase and magnetite -ilmenite thermometers and the Al-in-hornblende barometer. The thermobarometric data indicate that the tonalite porphyries were emplaced at 764 ± 22°C and 1.5 ± 0.3 × 10 5 kPa. If the pressure is assumed to be lithostatic, it is interpreted that the rim of hornblende and plagioclase phenocrysts crystallized at depths of approximately 5.5 km. As estimated from magnetite -ilmenite thermometry, the subsolidus conditions of the tonalite intrusion occurred at temperatures of 540 -590°C and log f O 2 ranging from −20 to −15 (between Ni-NiO and hematite-magnetite buffers). This occurred at relatively high f O 2 (oxidizing) condition. The fl uorine -chlorine fugacity in the magma during crystallization was determined on the basis of the chemical composition of magmatic biotite. The calculation indicates that the fl uorine -chlorine fugacity, represented by log ( f H 2 O)/ ( f HF) and ( f H 2 O)/( f HCl) in the corresponding tonalitic magma range from 4.31 to 4.63 and 3.62 to 3.79, respectively. The chlorine fugacity (HCl) to water (H 2 O) is relatively higher than the fl uorine fugacity (HF to water), refl ecting a high activity of chlorine in the tonalitic magma during crystallization. The relatively higher activity of chlorine (rather than fl uorine) may indicate the signifi cant role of chloride complexes (CuCl 2 − and AuCl 2 − ) in transporting and precipitating copper and gold at the Batu Hijau deposit.