Viral DNA packaging motors are among the most powerful molecular motors known. A variety of structural, biochemical, and singlemolecule biophysical approaches have been used to understand their mechanochemistry. However, packaging initiation has been difficult to analyze because of its transient and highly dynamic nature. Here, we developed a single-molecule fluorescence assay that allowed visualization of packaging initiation and reinitiation in real time and quantification of motor assembly and initiation kinetics. We observed that a single bacteriophage T4 packaging machine can package multiple DNA molecules in bursts of activity separated by long pauses, suggesting that it switches between active and quiescent states. Multiple initiation pathways were discovered including, unexpectedly, direct DNA binding to the capsid portal followed by recruitment of motor subunits. Rapid succession of ATP hydrolysis was essential for efficient initiation. These observations have implications for the evolution of icosahedral viruses and regulation of virus assembly.virus packaging | single-molecule fluorescence imaging | molecular motors A s part of a virus life cycle, genetic information needs to be incorporated into the newly produced virus particles. Tailed bacteriophages, which probably form the largest biomass of the planet (1), and many eukaryotic viruses such as herpes viruses use powerful ATPase motors to achieve this (2). These motors generate forces as high as 80-100 pN and translocate DNA into a preformed prohead until a DNA condensate of near crystalline density fills the interior (3).The viral packaging motors share a common architecture with the ASCE (additional strand, conserved E) superfamily of multimeric ring ATPases that perform diverse functions such as chromosome segregation (helicases), protein remodeling (chaperones and proteasomes), and cargo transport (dyneins) (4). Although much has been learned about the mechanochemistry of these motors, little is known about how a functional motor is assembled and its activity is initiated. The packaging motors have the difficult task of precisely inserting the end of a viral genome into the capsid at the time of initiation.In a general virus assembly pathway shared by dsDNA viruses, assembly starts at a unique fivefold vertex of the prohead called the portal vertex, which is formed from 12 molecules of the portal protein (5). A protein shell assembles around a protein scaffold and later becomes an empty prohead after the scaffold leaves, or is degraded (6). In most dsDNA bacteriophages as well as herpes viruses a complex of two proteins, known as small and large "terminase" proteins, recognize a specific sequence of DNA in the concatemeric viral genome (e.g., cos site in phage λ and pac site in phage P22) and make a cut to create a dsDNA end (7,8). The small terminase is responsible for binding to the cos or pac site, whereas the large terminase makes the cut. However, phage phi29 and adenoviruses do not require DNA cutting because the genome is a unit-length m...